Stretch your mind
Clever Kahu!
I’m Clever Kahu!
Stretching your mind by doing fun things like reading, making art, playing music, learning a new language, or playing brain games like Kahoot, Cranium, or chess are great to keep the brain working.
Stretching your mind helps you:
Click on these ideas
Books are best!
Do you know where your closest library is? Go and sign up and get out some books!
Titi Torea
Play Titi Torea, a traditional Maori stick game.
Give poetry a go
You could start by making an acrostic poem about yourself.
Draw a picture of you as a super healthy hero!
Learn how to say hello in three different languages
A good way to get started is to greet your classmates in their own language: imagine the surprised looks on their faces!
A kite
Make and fly a kite, this can tick off two challenges in one!
Learn to juggle with your family!
Learn an instrument
Guitar, Violin, Flute or even Drums! Give it a go!
Play Sudoku
See if you can do the one in the newspaper, or complete one here
Want more ideas?
2-in1 activities |
General activities |
Get two challenges ticked off at once! Physical activity + help someone

Stretch your mind
Parent Information
Try these ideas! If your child has challenges with reading and literacy, speak to their teacher.