Help others
Helpful Hemi
I’m Helpful Hemi!
Helping others and making the world a better place makes you feel good. There are plenty of people you can help – at school, at home, in your whanau, or your community.
Helping others is good because:
Click on these ideas
Do you have any good toys or books you don’t use anymore? Donate them to a charity or an op shop.
Get involved in a fundraiser!
Help at home
Wash the dinner dishes, set the table, unload the dishwasher or fold the laundry. There are so many ways you can help around the house.
Get creative
Use the kindness generator!
Make friends with somebody new
Everyone can be a friend! Be friendly and kind to those around you.
Write a letter
Write a heartfelt letter to someone important to you.
Help someone do the shopping
Be the runner and collect items off your shopping list!
Do some gardening
Plant some seeds or help out by pulling out weeds! Check with an adult first to make sure you don’t pull out plants instead!
Want more ideas?
2-in1 activities |
General activities |
Get two challenges ticked off at once! Physical activity + help someone
Physical activity + stretch your mind

Help others
Parent Information
Encourage your child to be able to see opportunities where they can help, without it needing to be pointed out to them.
- See these 8 tips to help make household chores learning experiences for kids
- This article has some ways to encourage your kids to acts of kindness
Sparklers has great activity ideas for kindness, including compliment posters, and kindness cards