
Helpful Resources

The ideas and support materials to help your child complete their challenges are on the relevant challenge page. See below for a collated list of these resources, and more.

Healthy Heroes


  • Find fun activities and a parent toolbox on the Sparklers Website. These cover a wide range of wellbeing topics including managing emotions, living in the moment, being grateful, and showing kindness.
  • HealthInfo is a health information website for the general public, funded by Canterbury-DHB. It is written and approved by local doctors, practice nurses, hospital clinicians, and other healthcare professionals in an easy-to-understand format.
  • What’s Up is a fantastic website to introduce your child to. It is a free online chat or phone service for kids and teenagers to talk to someone (a trained counsellor) about anything at all.




  • Kids Health: This website covers heaps of information on child sleep. A good starter article is some of the common issues children have with sleeping, including delayed sleep, sleep association (the need for a toy or person to get to sleep), bedtime resistance, anxiety, insomnia, and restless legs. It has useful tips for what you can do about it. It also links to tools to deal with sleep problems.
  • This article focuses on normal sleep for primary school children, common sleep problems in this age group, and a range of strategies to manage them. There is also information about safe sleep for babies, and helping your teenager.
  • Sleep Health Foundation: This Australian site has some excellent information about sleep problems in children.
  • These top 10 sleep tips cover the basics of helping your child get to sleep.


  • These tips for reluctant readers could help your child read more

Helping others

  • How about sending someone a compliment? Resources from All Right, including parenting guides, are all on their website
  • See these 8 tips to help turn household chores into learning experiences for kids
  • This article has some ways to encourage your kids to acts of kindness
  • Sparklers have great activity ideas for kindness